TEI & FCS Network
Meetings will be bi-monthly, with more frequent gatherings during critical periods such as recommissioning.
Topics of interest detailed previously included gathering outcomes, promoting values, identifying risks, joint advocacy, working with youth and best practices methods.
To keep up with TEI & FCS specific news amongst peers, sign up for our TEI & FCS network now.
Sector Support – DEX Clinics
Our Coordinator, DEX Support, Fiona provides support clinics. These are 1-hour, one-on-one support sessions. These spaces are focused on improving data entry, collection and understanding DEX reports. Register here.
As part of our core business, Fams always provides TEI/DEX support to Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations. Please email [email protected] to book into a support session.
Amplify Our Sector Project
We know the impact of the work the sector does is often hidden (from our funders and often ourselves too).
This project takes a deep dive into DEX for 12 organisations to discover the stories it tells and amplify their impact.
Click here for free resources and more about the project.
Smalltalk Big Yarns
We have secured funding from DCJ to launch training for TEI-supported playgroup practitioners in the evidence-based program, smalltalk.
Between June 2024 and 2025, Fams and the Parenting Research Centre (PRC) will deliver FREE training in smalltalk to 120 practitioners across NSW over four training events.
smalltalk is a set of evidence-based parenting strategies that parents can use to enhance the home learning environment for their children from birth to school age.
smalltalk aims to increase parent’s confidence to do the things we know can have a positive impact on their child’s learning. It is about using everyday opportunities and the activities that many parents already do in the home to enhance their children’s learning and development. smalltalk also includes ideas on how parents can look after themselves and helps build links with their community and local services.
To apply for a place in one of the training events, please click here.
To read more about smalltalk and the benefits it can bring to the families in your community, check out the website here.